Started by timer [Sun Dec 01 21:06:07 UTC 2024] Starting branch indexing... Connecting to using coreosbot/****** (GitHub coreosbot token as username/password) Examining coreos/bootupd Checking branches... Getting remote branches... Checking branch main Getting remote pull requests... ‘.cci.jenkinsfile’ found Met criteria Changes detected: main (null → 1a15f7382361ea5b66f4c3fb9f9d8efc54bb6e30) No automatic build triggered for main Checking branch release ‘.cci.jenkinsfile’ found Met criteria Changes detected: release (null → 8235026f69b045a5c2d541d1eeba2cd1717ca4fe) No automatic build triggered for release 2 branches were processed Checking pull-requests... Checking pull request #674 ‘.cci.jenkinsfile’ found Not mergeable, build likely to fail Met criteria No changes detected: PR-674 (still at fd49360efa960f8142f99d0cf24658a996b8af05+6a4fc6f8758ff18432d5a43995b8f53ad79d4419 (NOT_MERGEABLE)) 1 pull requests were processed Finished examining coreos/bootupd [Sun Dec 01 21:06:09 UTC 2024] Finished branch indexing. Indexing took 2.1 sec Finished: SUCCESS